About Us
Fast Service, Cool Products, All Over Europe | Paddle Outlet
Do we Paddle? Absolutely!
Are we any good at paddling? Maybe not quite so much, but we can safely put ourselves in the category of enthusiastic amateurs on the water at the weekends.
Our office shelves are more full of product books than paddling awards thats for sure, but we feel we are more like our customers in that a new product excites us ALOT, even if using it to its full potential might be just in our dreams!
Our talent and passions align in the office, seeing all the latest tech and gear from our brands, and helping our customers find the right selection for to boost their time on the water, this is where we do excel. Please test us out!
Are we an "Outlet"? Perhaps Not.
At the start of Paddle Outlet we were just here to supply the weird spare parts nobody else bothered to stock, then it was the accessories and it grew from there. These days Outlet = Discount and thats not really our vibe, but we work hard to make the value and the quality of our brands shine through.
Our course we run the occasion, and hopefully very attractive promotion, but being a discount store is not our goal. Sorry if the name confuses anyone !
What do we offer?
Everything! Thats the point, it is what sets us apart.
From our origins selling weird and rarely found spare parts like Aquaglide Chinook Bladder, to adding in the premium accessories like a BeachBox or Yakattack Rod Holder, and now the wide and wonderful colour variations from BOTE. We stock it all, ready for next day delivery!
Our job is to bring the full power of the brands to market, the full catalogue to your front door, no cherry picking, or playing it safe. We hate it when cool products are only available in the USA or other local markets, so we search out these brands and bring them to the UK and EU.
Throw in fast Customer Service (test us out), top product knowledge (quiz us) and of course free delivery, and thats our offer plain and simple.
Company Ethos. It's the 2020's everyone has one right!
The US market has such a wider array of watersports products on offer, yes they have more water too, but it is our drive to balance things out, make more cool products easily available in the UK and EU.
In terms of our service, what are we about? Well... the boss like to quote (alot) "Would this happen in the Apple store", trying to hold us to a standard of fair, clear, clean and crisp service in both Sales and After Sales.
This translates to clear pricing, fast replies, and knowledgable fair reply even if the answer on a warranty topic isnt the exact outcome the customer may have hoped for. An honest approach delivered by a youthful and energetic company.
We love a sale, but better still comes 7-10 days later when we get the Trust Pilot review back, this is how we know we are on the right track (so please review us).
We have been in the water for over 50 years, since 1969!
Our parent company started selling fibreglass boats in the 70's, fishing versions in the 80s, inflatables in the 90's, you get the idea. For the full walk through our history and to know who you are buying from please check out www.mountgreen.co. We are proudly a Mount Green company, a family business at our core.
We have worked with early pioneers like Zodiac, then Seyvlor, flowing into ever present brands like Z-Pro and now modern innovators like Aquaglide and BOTE.
Our knowledge is second-to-none. Why? Our OmniChannel structure means we are bringing the product knowledge directly from the brand to you the customer. Experience and accuracy all in one place.
Enjoy Your Time On Water - The Paddle Outlet Team